Bed Bug Hotel Service

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Does your hotel currently have a bed bug problem?
Bed Bugs have become the fastest-growing problem hotels face today. These nocturnal bugs can easily go unnoticed because they remain dormant during the daytime hours in a number of hard-to-see spaces. Because of their ability to remain undetected during normal hours, our experts inspect your businesses with K9 detection. Our dog Anchor has been trained at J&K Canine Academy with world-class trainer Jose “Pepe” Peruyero. Anchor can sniff out bed bugs in the tiniest of crevices and proudly does so with a 98% accuracy rate. We are so confident in Anchor that we can say we are the best bed bug company in New Jersey, New York, Delaware, and Pennsylvania!
At Anchor, we practice IPM, or Integrated Pest Management, a set of industry practices that requires us to use only low-toxic, odorless, long-term, and effective pest control products to ensure the highest safety of our customers.
Don't Risk the Reputation of Your Business
We can eliminate active bed bug infestations at hotels quickly, discreetly, and effectively
Our specialized technicians are the best trained in the industry.

Let Anchor Protect Your Business. Call Today.
We have thousands of happy customers!