Brown Recluse Spider Control

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Brown Recluse Spider Pest Control and Exterminator
What is a brown recluse spider, and what does it look like?
Brown recluse spiders are particularly distinctive due to the specific dark marks on their back. They can be found weaving irregular webs, which they use as a home in various environments. The spider owes its name to the fact that it often retreats into its web for shelter during the day. These creatures are often nocturnal and hunt other bugs, such as cockroaches and crickets.
What are the signs of a brown recluse spider infestation?
Spiders or spider webs can be found in undisturbed indoor areas such as basements or storage rooms, but brown recluse spiders are often found outdoors, where they dwell around rocks most of the time. They might often find a comfortable nesting spot in shoes or clothing that have been left alone for a while.
Brown recluse spiders are elusive and don’t typically form large, visible colonies like some pests. However, a few signs may suggest their presence:
Actual Sightings:
Spotting brown recluse spiders themselves is often the clearest indicator. They’re light to dark brown with a distinct violin-shaped marking on their back. Look for them in quiet, undisturbed areas such as closets, attics, basements, behind furniture, or inside storage boxes.
Egg Sacs and Webbing:
Brown recluse spiders create small, off-white, silken egg sacs, often found tucked away in protected corners. Their webs are generally irregular and not used for trapping prey; instead, they serve as retreats. Finding these hidden sacs or tangled silk retreats can signal an infestation.
Shed Skins (Exoskeletons):
As they grow, brown recluse spiders shed their exoskeletons. Discovering these thin, papery molts in dark, undisturbed spots may indicate that multiple spiders are present.
Bites or Skin Lesions (Less Common Initial Sign):
While bites are not the most reliable first sign—since other conditions can cause similar symptoms—if someone in the home experiences a suspicious, slow-healing lesion and you’ve already suspected spider activity, it’s worth further investigation.
Because brown recluse infestations can be subtle, if you suspect their presence, consider a professional inspection. Early detection and control are key to preventing more serious issues down the line.
Are brown recluse spiders dangerous? Do brown recluse spiders bite?
Brown recluse spiders are not aggressive, and they only bite in defense or when disturbed. The bite is not painful immediately, but you will experience intense pain sometime after the bite, even up to six or eight hours after the fact. In addition to that, brown recluse spider bites can cause fever and insomnia, among other issues.
If you have brown recluse spiders in your home or business, call us today for a free, no-obligation inspection.
Spider control is included with all of our Pest Protect 365 Services.
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